Well today we called poison control again. This is the 4th time now so I guess that is not too bad with three year old twin boys. Today I let them play outside. It was time for them to come in and take a bath so I ran their bath water. I could see Kyle and he was holding the Backyards Off bug spray, then wouldn't you know, he push the button and hit the ground. I ran to him, he sprayed it in, you guessed it, his EYES!!!!
I already had water in the bath, but they were dressed in two layers and COVERED in wet sand. SO he got the water hose in the eyes, of course it was on really easy, but it was really cold. He did not like it at all. Then I took him in and washed his face really good with baby soap and rinsed and rinsed. I called poison control and they said it should be OK, just watch him for the next hour. We ate lunch with Grandma and he was fine. You know I really like poison control, I love how they call back to check on you. I don't know of any doctors that do this. Thank you Poison control for caring. I know it probably part of their job, but I really like it.
Other than that, Kyle has gotten a big attitude lately, Kenneth went through this a few months ago and not Kyle is doing it. I love twins. We will make it through this just like we made it through Kenneth's.
We, or I have been really frustrated with them lately. It seems like there is nothing that they like to do. Its been cold and raining and we have been stuck in the house lately and there is just so many times one can play with play-do. I pray for ideas to do things with them.
Lewis has two job interviews tomorrow and I am so excited for him. He got he first suit for the interviews and man oh man he looks good in this suit. I hope he gets one. I also had a job interview again with FA but I don't think I got it. My friend at FA says they are looking at someone else. I just wish I could be content in the path God is blessing me with right now. Its hard sometimes. I am trying to understand that God sees my work. I am working for Him not the pats on the backs of others. "Do your work wholeheartedly as to the Lord not for man" I am trying to keep this my verse to live by.
We also are not pregnant, lots of downs on my part right now. We are going to take the next two months off because we don't want a Nov or Dec baby. We are praying so hard for a girl. I really hope God blesses our family with a baby girl. Lewis would be such a great girl father, not that he is not a great boy father, but the bond with his little girl will be fun to watch. I can just see that little girl look in to her daddies eyes and say I love you Daddy. Lewis will melt.
Well that is all that is going on in our lives right now. I guess I will get off here and watch some tube since that boys are in bed and Lewis is out with his friend John watching Rocky.
I am praying this week for contentment with what I do, Lewis's job interviews, and my friend who is trying to get pregnant.
Thats it for now.
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